Let me start with Nicki minaj who surprisingly i love as a judge, she seems interested in the contestants, she says what we all are thinking and shes funny. Although i don't understand why she.praises so many bad performances. Mariah Carey...shes Mariah Carey all she has to do is show up i guess haha. Keith urban is another great judge he really knows how to lighten up the mood and probably gives the most useful feedback. And then theres randy, who just yell "yeah yeah yeah" all the time.
The Guys
This year i think Nigel is making sure a girl wins this year so we saw almost no wgwg in Hollywood week and only a handful of standouts, Nick bottington who was cut last year. He probably in my opinion had the best week. Devin Velez showed he had a great voice. Cortez Shaw also redeemed himself and gave a string performance. Other guys that i think are worth watching are jimmy smith, Johnny keyser, Elijah liu, and burnell Taylor.
The Girls
Now the girls who unlike the boys, showed us a few frontrunners, some stellar performances, and what i call our first idol moment. Every year one contestant stands out to me and eventually becomes my favorite..this year Angela Miller! She had a great performance of her.original song and it was an idol moment i love this girl. Candice Glover also shined bright in Hollywood week showing she has one of the biggest voices this year and country girl Jannelle Arthur who i believe has a good shot in this competition. Other stand outs were Melisa ademi, rachele hale, and kree Harrison. Oh and someone please tell me why Zoannette Johnson is still here!!